Saturday, July 26, 2008


Just a few ideas I have ~~~~~~
cheapy stuff..(:)

Nothing most of us don't already know, but for the young gals just starting out I hope these might help a little~~

I want you to put your Cheapy Trix and good an clever ideas in my comments and I will add them to this page.. (:) Lets hear em..~~~ 

Clean- clean- clean
the trick to cleaning the microwave is
---put a cup filled with water and a dash of vinegar
---then turn on 2 minutes..
-- wipe it out and it is a breeze..yessery ~!!
take your dishrag (wet) and put it into the microwave for about a minute
the moisture steams the hardened food.. then wipe with that cloth~

Dry them quickly-hold your nails under cold running water~
Then after they are well dry I like to use a clear sealer (top coat) over my polish..
a quick dry sealer that I like is
Maybelline_EXPRESS FINISH~I usually put on 2 top coats~

I take a cheap bottle of ''candle scent'' an put some into a little spray bottle then add some water to squirt the light bulbs around the house for a delightful smell
.. I love the apple/cinnamon scents~~

 Is an nice cheap soap ..4 bars for about $3.50 they are a good size too.. I love this Oatmeal one..smells good and makes my skin feel wonderful~

My favorite cleaner...
Rubbing Alcohol~~
 I add some to a re-cycled squirt bottle, 1/3 to 1/2 alcohol to the rest water.. ,but you can use it straight too my sister does.. It really cleans windows , counters, etc.. very well and no streaks..
The foaming soaps you can get at Bath and Body Works.. when empty I just add more
dish detergent, or a shampoo ..approx.
1/2 soap..1/2 water... it will foam always as the trick is in the lid(:)

make your own tier tray.. epoxy on an old candle holder or a champagne glass.. the ones pictures here are actually just two plates I set the smaller on top and it isn't glued..but it could be..but the candle holders are glued on (:)

Dollar Store Cocoa it.. I use it everyday for a moisturizer.. all over..~~

My drawer liner trick ..I find rolls of vinyl wallpaper and use it for drawer liners.. this roll was only $2 at the Goodwill..for 32 feet~~


********PEEL hard-boiled EGGs easier..

add 2 tablespoons or more of SALT to the cold cooking water..

it helps them peel a little better.. make sure you run cold water over them and get them cool before peeling~~

**********Potato Salad or Pasta Salad~~

Mix up all the mayo, mustard etc. in the big bowl you are going to use for Potato or Pasta Salad..

then add the potatoes/pasta... makes it a lot easier to stir..

Not that I know so much (:) I don't ..but I have watched people try and stir in the mayo mixture , working way too hard.................LOL(:)

ShabbyInTheCity said...
Have three sons...that way whatever you buy for the first one will hand down nicely two more times! Even toys! Spankings need to be new for each one though...

Attic Rat said...MAC n CHEESE~
Here is another tip: When making mac & cheese from a box, mix the melted butter, milk and cheese mix first, then add the drained pasta. It mixes up quite easily and completely. That's my 2 cents. - Teresa

I LOVE this...I enjoy learning new things that help me make my house a home and me beautiful to boot, for cheap..a dollar that cocoa butter? I'm heading to my Dollar Store tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping in (:) ........................Patty